Zeit: | 17. – 19. November 2021 |
Anmeldeschluss: | 13. November 2021 |
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Beginn: 17. November 2021, 09:00 Uhr
Ende: 19. November 2021, 18:00
Veranstaltungsort |
The Future of Airborne Infrared/Submm Astronomy: |
This online workshop will discuss technological options for new Infrared/Submm instrumentation. The focus will be on devices carried by airborne platforms that can be built within the next decade by European institutions, in order to fill the large gap for the astronomical community, until new space observatories for these wavelengths become available again. It is the second of two workshops, where the first, held in July 2021, provided the scientific priorities of European Infrared/Submm astronomy with a clear need for continuing observational capabilities at these wavelengths. Register until 13. 11. 21 on the conference website More details are available at the workshop homepage at: https://conference.dsi.uni-stuttgart.de/event/15/ A summary of the previous workshop is availabe. |