TAC Results
The German SOFIA Cycle 10 Open Time call (deadline 29 January, 2022) attracted 20 proposals for an initial total offer of 100 observing hours. The Cycle 10 TAC members met on March 7 to 10 online, evaluated the proposals and provided a ranking. At the time the cancellation of the SOFIA program was still uncertain and the planning of Cycle 10 went forward. After a reevaluation of the available science hours, reconciliation with the US TAC results and program optimization the following proposals were marked up to be proposed to the project in the categories as follows: 4 proposals as WILL DO (Category I), another 5 proposals as SHOULD DO (Category II), and 11 proposals as DO IF TIME (Category III). There were a total of 51.9 h marked-up for the high priority schedule (Category I and II), while 50.9 h were marked-up to the lower priority (Category III).
The committee had the following members:
Function |
Name |
Institution |
Chair | Peter Schilke | Uni Koeln |
Reviewer | Gesa Bertrang | MPIA Heidelberg |
Reviewer | Jaime Pineda | MPE Garching |
Reviewer | Thomas L. Wilson | MPIfR Bonn |
Reviewer | Nicola Schneider | Uni Koeln |
Reviewer | Thomas Giesen | Uni Kassel |
External | Frank Bigiel | Uni Bonn |
External | Tomasz Kaminski | CAMK Toruń, Poland |
The following proposals could have been awarded observing time if SOFIA had been allowed to continue its mission beyond September 2022:
Category I: WILL DO proposals:
ID | PI / Institution |
Title | Awarded Time (h) /Instruments |
10_0111 | Bringfried Stecklum / Thüringer | Estimating the energy of the accretion burst of the massive YSO G323.46-0.08 from its thermal afterglow | 0,73 / FIFI-LS |
10_0031 | Nicola Schneider / Uni Koeln | Tracing the PDR structure and dynamics in FEEDBACK sources | 7,11 / GREAT |
10_0061 | Ashley Barnes / Uni Bonn | The origins of ionised carbon emission in M83 | 6,09 / FIFI-LS |
10_0070 | Cristian Guevara / Uni Koeln | [12CII]/[13CII] isotopic abundace ratio in M17SW and NGC 1977 | 4,03 / GREAT |
Category II: SHOULD DO proposals:
ID | PI / Institution |
Title | Awarded Time (h) /Instruments |
10_0118 | Nicola Schneider / Uni Koeln | The impact of the magnetic field on wind driven shells | 6,42 / HAWC+ |
10_0136 | Wonju Kim / Uni Koeln | Detailed investigation of the cosmic rays and structures of the ISM in the Galactic center | 12,21 / GREAT |
10_0063 | Karl Menten / MPIfR Bonn | Monitoring the dusty ejecta of red novae | 3.26 HAWC+ & 3,63 FORCAST) |
10_0058 | Volker Ossenkopf-Okada / Uni Koeln | The nature of absorbing material associated to HyGAL sources | 4,40 / GREAT |
10_0110 | Peter Weilbacher / AIP | Uncovering massive young stars in the Antennae Galaxy by tracing FIR [OIII] emission | 3,97 / FIFI-LS |
Category III: DO IF TIME proposals:
ID | PI / Institution |
Title | Awarded Time (h) /Instruments |
10_0123 | Elizabeth Jayne Watkins / Uni Heidelberg | Investigating magnetic fields in the presence of ionising feedback in an O-star forming molecular filament | 9,30 / HAWC+ |
10_0125 | Guido Fuchs / Uni Kassel | The role of SiO; TiO and small metal compounds in the pulsation process of variable AGB stars – Observing the breathing motion of the inner surrounding molecular layer | 6,67 / EXES |
10_0150 | Ngoc Tram Le / MPIfR Bonn | Shocks and magnetic fields evolution inside Pillars of Creation in M16 | 6,93 / EXES |
10_0104 | Henrik Beuther / MPIA Heidelberg | Magnetic fields and dynamical gas flows during star formation | 4,24 / HAWC+ |
10_0087 | Christian Fischer / Uni Stuttgart | Tracing the ionized and neutral gas in the vicinity of SgrA* | 7,37 / FIFI-LS |
10_0069 | Cristian Guevara / Uni Koeln | M43 and M17SW [OI] 63 and 145 um fully sampled maps | 3,62 / GREAT |
10_0025 | Ngoc Tram Le / MPIfR Bonn | Characterization of magnetic fields and testing the radiative torque paradigm in Auriga-California Molecular Cloud | 11,80 / HAWC+ |
10_0056 | Ngoc Tram Le / MPIfR Bonn | Magnetic fields and star-formation in outer Milky Way: a case study of CMa-l224 | 3,46 / HAWC+ |
10_0059 | Niko Zielinski / Uni Kiel | Understanding radiative torque alignment with SOFIA/HAWC+ | 1,55 / HAWC+ |
10_0060 | Niko Zielinski / Uni Kiel | Disentangling the FIR/mm polarization mechanisms in protoplanetary disks with SOFIA/HAWC+ | 2,05 / HAWC+ |
10_0115 | Serina Latzko / Uni Stuttgart | Revealing the mysteries of CII in the outflows of M82 | 3,88 / FIFI-LS |
I would like to extend my sincere apologies to all observers who spent effort in preparing their Cycle 10 proposals and all those who were successful in previous cycles but ended up with incomplete datasets. I still hope that you all will do the best you can to publish the material that is available and mine the SOFIA archive as many scientific treasures may still be buried there. This is still the best way for our scientific community to show that SOFIA's retirement was premature and not in the scientific interest.
Dr. Bernhard Schulz
SOFIA SMO Deputy Director &
German SOFIA proposals selection official
The German SOFIA Cycle 9 Open Time call (deadline 5 September, 2020) attracted 29 proposals for an initial total offer of 80 observing hours that was later extended to about 120 hours due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the planned heavy maintenance period on Cycle 8. The Cycle 9 TAC members met on October 12 to 14 online and evaluated the proposals. After a reevaluation of the available science hours, reconciliation with the US TAC results and program optimization, 9 proposals were selected as WILL DO (Category I), of which one is a ToO program. Another 9 proposals were selected as SHOULD DO (Category II), and 8 proposals as DO IF TIME (Category III). There were a total of 59.1 h assigned to the high priority schedule (Category I and II, excluding the ToO observation), while 55.6 h were assigned to the lower priority (Category III).
The committee had the following members:
Function |
Name |
Institution |
Chair | Dariusz C. Lis | JPL, USA |
Reviewer | Gesa Bertrang | MPIA, Heidelberg |
Reviewer | Ralf Siebenmorgen | ESO |
Reviewer | Bringfried Stecklum | Thüringer Landessternwarte |
Reviewer | Frank Bigiel | Uni Bonn |
Reviewer | Silvia Spezzano | MPE, Garching |
Reviewer | Volker Ossenkopf-Okada | Uni Koeln |
External | Hans Zinnecker | Universidad Autonoma de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile, DSI, Germany |
The following proposals were awarded observing time:
Category I: WILL DO proposals:
ID | PI / Institution |
Title | Awarded Time (h) /Instruments |
09_0088 | Menten Karl / MPIfR | The aftermath of a stellar collision in the Galactic Bulge | 1,34 / HAWC+ FORCAST |
09_0131 | Bouwman Jeroen / MPIA | The nature of crystalline silicates in the protoplanetary disk of AB Aurigae | 2,62 / FIFI-LS |
09_0189 | Giesen Thomas / Uni Kassel | Linear C3 - a novel probe to measure the 12C/13C ratio of the Galaxy | 3,47 / GREAT |
09_0103 | Simon Robert / Uni Cologne |
Origin of a Large Arc-like Structure at the Far Side of the X1 Cusped Orbit | 1,9 / GREAT |
09_0136 | Eislöffel Jochen / Thüringer | Deciphering the periodically outbursting masers in G37.55+0.200 | 1,93 / FIFI-LS |
09_0066 | Beck André / DSI | Disentangling Excitation Conditions in the Outflow of NGC 253 | 2,91 / FIFI-LS |
09_0137 | Schuller Frédéric / AIP | Probing the structure and dynamical role of the magnetic field in the NGC 6334 massive filament region | 2,12 / HAWC+ |
09_0148 | Fuchs Guido / Uni Kassel |
High resolution IR observations towards VY Canis Majoris – Investigations on SiS; HCN and NH3 | 3,55 / EXES |
Category I: WILL DO proposals - Target of Opportunity:
ID | PI / Institution |
Title | Awarded Time (h) /Instruments |
09_0053 | Eislöffel Jochen / Thüringer | Catching the next bright accretion burst from a YSO on the rise | 3,46 / FORCAST FIFI-LS |
Category II: SHOULD DO proposals:
ID | PI / Institution |
Title | Awarded Time (h) /Instruments |
09_0191 | Jacob Arshia / MPIfR | To search for HeH+ in the He enriched compact HII region W3A | 5 / GREAT |
09_0097 | Clarke Seamus / Uni Cologne | [CII] as a tracer of pre-shock and post-shock gas in a supernova remnant | 3,35 / GREAT |
09_0161 | Bouscasse Laure / MPIfR | Water deuteration in the outer envelope of hot core precursors | 2,6 / GREAT |
09_0043 | Guevara Cristian / Uni Cologne | M43 and M17SW [OI] 63 and 145 um fully sampled maps | 7,17 / GREAT |
09_0079 | Fischer Christian / DSI | Photo-dissociation and shocks in DR21(OH) | 7,68 / FIFI-LS |
09_0084 | Brunngraeber Robert / Uni Kiel | Self-scattering in the protoplanetary disk of HL Tau with SOFIA | 1,56 / HAWC+ |
09_0149 | Latzko Serina / DSI | Revealing the mysteries of CII in the outflows of M82 | 1,56 / FIFI-LS |
09_0159 | Zielinski Niko / Uni Kiel | Constraining radiative torque alignment efficiency using SOFIA/HAWC+ | 2,61 / HAWC+ |
09_0160 | Bryant Aaron / DSI | Probing the Evolutionary Chain of Molecular Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone | 7,72 / FIFI-LS |
09_0140 | Redaelli Elena / MPE | A deeper look to the magnetic properties of IRAS 15398-3359 | 8,88 / HAWC+ |
Category III: DO IF TIME proposals:
ID | PI / Institution |
Title | Awarded Time (h) /Instruments |
09_0041 | Guevara Cristian / Uni Cologne | [12CII]/[13CII] isotopic abundace ratio in M17SW and NGC 1977 | 8,19 / GREAT |
09_0073 | Aladro Rebeca / MPIfR | Atomic and molecular gas in NGC 4945: Relative abundances; distribution and kinematics in the galaxy. | 3,14 / GREAT |
09_0217 | Veena VS / Uni Cologne | Probing [CII] Emission Towards the Unusual Molecular Bubble G18.88-0.02 | 6,06 / GREAT |
09_0042 | Güsten Rolf / MPIfR | The massive outflow in Centaurus A | 4,03 / GREAT |
09_0096 | Guevara Cristian / Uni Cologne | [CI] observations in Feedback sources | 9,49 / GREAT |
09_0177 | Buchbender Christof / Uni Cologne | The molecular gas mass in the dwarf elliptical NGC 205 | 8 / GREAT |
09_0154 | Kabanovic Slawa / Uni Cologne | Optically Thick [CII] Emission from Orion A | 7,79 / GREAT |
Thank you very much for your continued interest in SOFIA observations.
Dr. Bernhard Schulz
SOFIA SMO Deputy Director &
German SOFIA proposals selection official
The German SOFIA Cycle 8 Open Time call (deadline September 7, 2019) attracted 33 proposals for an initial total offer of 80 observing hours. The Cycle 8 TAC members met on October 7 to 9 at DSI/University of Stuttgart and evaluated the proposals. After a reevaluation of the available science hours, reconciliation with the US TAC results and program optimization, 4 proposals were selected as WILL DO (Category I), of which one is a ToO program. Another 4 proposals were selected as SHOULD DO (Category II), and 6 proposals as DO IF TIME (Category III). There were a total of 29.3 h assigned to the high priority schedule (Category I and II, excluding the ToO observation), while 32 h were assigned to the lower priority (Category III).
The committee had the following members:
Function |
Name |
Institution |
Chair |
Floris van der Tak |
SRON, Netherlands |
Reviewer |
Gesa Bertrang |
MPIA Heidelberg, Germany |
Reviewer |
Dominik Bomans |
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany |
Reviewer |
Hans-Ulrich Käufl |
ESO Garching, Germany |
Reviewer |
Ralf Klessen |
Heidelberg University, Germany |
Reviewer |
Suzanne Madden |
CEA-Saclay, France |
Reviewer |
Thomas L. Wilson |
MPIfR Bonn, Germany |
Reviewer |
Hans Zinnecker |
Universidad Autonoma de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile |
The following proposals were awarded observing time:
Category I: WILL DO proposals
Number |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Instruments |
Awarded Time (h) |
08_0176 |
Guido Fuchs |
Universität Kassel |
High resolution IR observations towards VY Canis Majoris - SiO and SO2 as probes of dynamic regions |
2.20 |
08_0163 |
Bringfried Stecklum |
Thüringer Landes-sternwarte |
The Impact of Accretion Bursts from Massive Protostars on their Dusty Environment |
2.66 |
08_0039 |
Rolf Guesten |
Max Planck Institut für Radioastronomie |
GREAT/SOFIA follow-up observations to our recent detection of HeH+ |
4.76 |
Category I: WILL DO proposals - Target of Opportunity
Number |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Instruments |
Awarded Time (h) |
08_0135 |
Jochen Eislöffel |
Thüringer Landes-sternwarte |
Catching the next bright accretion burst from a YSO on the rise |
1.52 |
Category II: SHOULD DO proposals
Number |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Instruments |
Awarded time (h) |
08_0166 |
Paola Caselli |
Max-Planck-Institut für extra-terrestrische Physik |
OD and the origin of water in protostellar cores |
2.00 |
08_0147 |
Jeroen Bouwman |
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie |
The nature of crystalline silicates in the protoplanetary disk of AB Aurigae |
2.62 |
08_0042 |
Slawa Kabanovic |
I Physikalisches Institut - Universität zu Köln |
Optically Thick [CII] Emission from Orion A |
9.11 |
08_0076 |
Urs Graf |
I Physikalisches Institut - Universität zu Köln |
Disentangling the line-of-sight structure of NGC 2024 |
5.92 |
Category III: DO IF TIME proposals
Number |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Instruments |
Awarded time (h)
08_0137 |
Peter Weilbacher |
Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP) |
Mapping the FIR line emission of the Antennae Galaxy (NGC 4038/39) |
2.72 |
08_0081 |
Stefanie Walch |
I Physikalisches Institut - Universität zu Köln |
[CII] line emission as an indicator for dynamical molecular cloud formation in Taurus} |
7.01 |
08_0244 |
Thomas Giesen |
Universität Kassel |
Linear C3 - a novel probe to measure the 12C/13C ratio of the Galaxy |
3.47 |
08_0035 |
Cristian Guevara |
I Physikalisches Institut - Universität zu Köln |
[12CII]/[13CII] isotopic abundace ratio in M17SW and NGC 1977 |
8.18 |
08_0040 |
Cristian Guevara |
I Physikalisches Institut - Universität zu Köln |
M43 and M17SW [OI] 63 and 145 um fully sampled maps |
7.17 |
08_0099 |
Seamus Clarke |
I Physikalisches Institut - Universität zu Köln |
[CII] as a tracer of pre-shock and post-shock gas in a supernova remnant |
3.44 |
Thank you very much for your continued interest in SOFIA observations.
Dr. Bernhard Schulz
SOFIA SMO Deputy Director &
German SOFIA proposals selection official
The German SOFIA Cycle 7 Open Time call (deadline September 8, 2018) attracted 33 proposals for an initial total offer of 70 observing hours. The Cycle 7 TAC members met on October 16 and 17 at Reston in the USA and evaluated the proposals. In summary, the TAC recommended 4 proposals as WILL DO (Category I), 5 proposals as SHOULD DO (Category II), and 14 proposals as DO IF TIME AVAILABLE (Category III). After a reevaluation of the available science hours with improved accounting for observatory overheads, and reconciliation with the US TAC results, there were a total of 45.2 h assigned to the high priority schedule (Category I and II), and 62.1 h assigned to the lower priority (Category III).
The committee had the following members:
Function |
Name |
Institution |
Hans Zinnecker |
Universidad Autonoma de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile |
Reviewer |
John H. Black |
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden |
Reviewer |
Suzanne Madden |
CEA-Saclay, France |
Reviewer |
Johannes Gunter Staguhn |
Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Reviewer |
Charles Telesco |
University of Florida, USA |
Reviewer |
Bruce Wilking |
University of Missouri, USA |
Reviewer |
Thomas L. Wilson |
MPIfR Bonn, Germany |
Reviewer |
Sebastian Wolf |
Universitaet zu Kiel, Germany |
The following proposals were awarded observing time:
Category I: WILL DO proposals
Number |
PI |
Proposal Title |
Instrument |
07_0036 |
Caselli Paola MPE |
OD and the origin of water in protostellar cores |
GREAT 4.0 |
07_0162 |
Menten Karl MPIfR |
The Nature of the Crab Nebula’s Argonium Emission |
GREAT 4.5 |
07_0129 |
Soler Juan Diego MPIA |
Magnetic fields at the onset of high-mass star formation |
07_0148 |
Jacob Arshia M MPIfR |
The methylidene radical and its isotopologues |
GREAT 7.5 |
Category II: SHOULD DO proposals
Number |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Instrument |
Awarded Time [h] |
07_0197 |
Alves Felipe |
Mapping Magnetic Field Orientation in Infrared Dark Clouds |
1.3 |
07_0132 |
Graf Urs |
Uni Köln |
Disentangling the line-of-sight structure of NGC 2024 |
5.8 |
07_0026 |
Heese Stefan |
Uni Kiel |
Filaments - on the origins of depolarization |
2.6 |
07_0217 |
Latzko Serina T. |
Characterisation of M82’s Bipolar Outflow and its Origin |
9.6 |
07_0069 |
Sperling Thomas |
Tautenburg |
Probing the hidden atomic gas in Class I jets |
6.2 |
Category III: DO IF TIME AVAILABLE proposals
Number |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Instrument |
Awarded Time [h] |
07_0157 |
Kazmierczak-Barthel Maja |
Embedded nebula Gy 3-7 - tracing feedback from protostars on cluster scales |
4.3 |
07_0117 |
Smirnova-Pinchukova Irina |
What causes [CII] line excess in AGN host galaxies? |
1.4 |
07_0219 |
Rengel Miriam |
Investigating the composition of Titan's stratosphere with SOFIA: time variability & intriguing unidentified signatures |
4.5 |
07_0124 |
Caselli Paola |
Searching for interstellar phosphine in star-forming regions |
7.1 |
07_0136 |
Koenig Carsten |
[CII] in the Low-Metallicity Environment of the Outer Galaxy |
5.0 |
07_0133 |
Clarke Seamus |
Uni Köln |
[CII] as a tracer of pre-shock and post-shock gas in a supernova remnant |
3.4 |
07_0138 |
Aladro Rebeca |
Atomic and molecular gas in NGC 4945: Relative abundances, distribution and kinematics in the galaxy. |
3.4 |
07_0199 |
Simon Robert |
Uni Köln |
Origin of a Large Arc-like Structure at the Far Side of the X1 Cusped Orbit |
1.6 |
07_0173 |
Buchbender Christof |
Uni Köln |
Tracing the evolution of the interstellar medium and star formation across the spiral arms of M51 with [NII] |
3.2 |
07_0193 |
Husemann Bernd |
The recent star formation history of luminous AGN host galaxies |
8.3 |
07_0066 |
Santos Fabio P. |
A tomography of the magnetic field structure in IRDC G14.2: massive filaments from large to small scales |
3.0 |
07_0068 |
Kabanovic Slawa |
Uni Köln |
Optically Thick [CII] Emission from Orion A |
9.6 |
07_0163 |
Kerp Juergen |
Uni Bonn |
CII emission in Intermediate velocity clouds |
4.5 |
07_0109 |
Vos Joris |
Uni Potsdam |
Searching for dust around hot subdwarf binaries |
2.7 |
Thank you very much for your continued interest in SOFIA observations.
Dr. Bernhard Schulz
SOFIA SMO Deputy Director &
German SOFIA proposals selection official
The German SOFIA Cycle 6 Open Time call (deadline July 1, 2017) attracted 27 proposals for a total of 75 observing hours available (oversubscription factor 1.8). The Cycle 6 TAC members met on Sept 12 and 13 at DSI in Stuttgart and evaluated the proposals. In summary, the TAC recommended 4 proposals as WILL DO (category I), 13 proposals as SHOULD DO (category II), and 7 proposals as DO IF TIME AVAILABLE (category III).
The committee had the following members:
Function |
Name |
Institution |
Chair |
Hans Zinnecker |
Universidad Autonoma de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile |
Reviewer |
Philippe Andre |
CEA-Saclay France |
Reviewer |
Henrik Beuther |
MPIA Heidelberg, Germany |
Reviewer |
Patrice Bouchet |
CEA-Saclay, France |
Reviewer |
Jochen Eisloeffel |
Tautenburg Observatory, Germany |
Reviewer |
Javier Goicoechea |
CSIC, Madrid, Spain |
Reviewer |
Liugi Spinoglio |
INAF, Rome, Italy |
Reviewer |
Sebastian Wolf |
Univ. Kiel, Germany |
The following proposals were awarded observing time:
Category I: WILL DO proposals
Number |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Instrument |
Awarded Time [h] |
06_0182 |
Bringfried Stecklum |
Tautenburg |
Monitoring the SED variability caused by the accretion burst from S255IR-NIRS3 |
1.62 |
06_0129 |
Timea Csengeri |
Do strong magnetic fields dictate the formation of the highest mass stars? |
1 |
06_0157 |
Rolf Gusten |
Dense Neutral Gas in the Galaxy's Central Molecular Zone: The Sgr C Region |
12.5 |
06_0220 |
Juergen Wolf |
Stellar Occultations by Trans-Neptunian Objects and Centaurs |
FPI+ |
2.81 |
Category II: SHOULD DO proposals
Number |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Instrument |
Awarded Time [h] |
06_0152 |
Juan Diego Soler |
The magnetic field structure in the Musca filament at 0.01 pc scale |
1.8 |
06_0076 |
Stefan Heese |
Uni Kiel |
Bok globules in the infrared: Are polarization holes caused by optical depth? |
1.4 |
06_0179 |
Paola Caselli |
OD and the origin of water in protostellar cores |
2 |
06_0146 |
Stefanie Walch |
Uni Köln |
[CII] line emission as an indicator for dynamical molecular cloud formation in Taurus} |
3.78 |
06_0151 |
Carsten König |
[CII] in the Low-Metallicity Environment of the Outer Galaxy |
4 |
06_0153 |
Nicola Schneider |
Uni Köln |
CII emission in high-latitude clouds |
1.84 |
06_0171 |
Michael Rugel |
[CII] and OH gas in different galactic environments |
3.8 |
06_0086 |
Elena Redaelli |
Polarimetry in B228 |
1.1 |
06_0203 |
Friedrich Wyrowski |
The atomic to molecular transition in high-mass star-forming regions |
2.7 |
06_0235 |
Anna Parikka |
Uni Köln |
Formation of brown dwarfs due to photo erosion |
2.41 |
06_0216 |
Claudia Comito |
Uni Köln |
Far-infrared determination of the oxygen gradient across the Galaxy |
3.43 |
06_0045 |
Jochen Eisloeffel |
Tautenburg |
Probing jets from young embedded sources |
3.05 |
06_0073 |
Paola Caselli |
Joint Impact Program: The Timescale of Star Formation from para-H2D+ - II. Colder and Lower Luminosity Sources |
4 |
Category III: DO IF TIME AVAILABLE proposals
Number |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Instrument |
Awarded Time [h] |
06_0233 |
Helmut Wiesemeyer |
Oxygen production and transport in the Enceladus gas torus |
3 |
06_0164 |
Juergen Kerp |
Uni Bonn |
Feeding the Milky Way Galaxy by cold gas accretion? |
3.62 |
06_0087 |
Felipe Alves |
THz polarization from cores at distinct evolutionary stages |
1.7 |
06_0206 |
Robert Simon |
Uni Köln |
Origin of a Large Arc-like Structure at the Far Side of the X1 Cusped Orbit |
1.71 |
06_0079 |
Cristian Guevara |
Uni Köln |
[CII] M17SW and X-rays emission |
2.93 |
06_0147 |
Maitraiyee Tiwari |
Unveiling the remarkable Photodissociation region of M8 |
3.49 |
06_0101 |
Timea Csengeri |
Constraining the oxygen budget in the diffuse and dense gas towards the Galactic mini-starburst; W51 Main |
3.37 |
The Joint Impact Program was evaluated by the US and DE TACs separately and got awarded a total of 4h (US+DE time) in category II.
Thank you very much for your continued interest in SOFIA observations.
Dr. Holger Jakob
SOFIA SMO Deputy Director (acting) &
German SOFIA proposals selection official
The German SOFIA Cycle 5 open time call (deadline July 8, 2016) attracted 27 proposals for a total of 75 observing hours available (oversubscription factor 3.0). The Cycle 5 TAC member met on Sept 1 and 2 at DSI in Stuttgart and evaluated the proposals. In summary, the TAC recommended 6 proposals as MUST DO (category A), 12 proposals as SHOULD DO (category B, 6 in the B+ and 6 in the B- subcategory), and 3 proposals as DO IF TIME (category C). It is worth mentioning that the TAC judged the overall quality of the SOFIA Cycle 5 proposals to be very high.
The committee had the following members:
Function |
Name |
Institution |
Chair |
Andreas Quirrenbach |
LSW Heidelberg |
Reviewer |
Frank Bigiel |
Univ. Heidelberg |
Reviewer |
Francois Boulanger |
Univ. Paris-Sud |
Reviewer |
Javier Goicoechea |
CSIC Madrid |
Reviewer |
Paul Hartogh |
MPI für Sonnensystemforschung, Göttingen |
Reviewer |
Gerd Hensler |
Univ. Sternwarte Wien |
Reviewer |
Michiel Hogerheijde |
Sterrewacht Leiden |
Reviewer |
Sebastian Wolf |
Univ. Kiel |
The following proposals were awarded observing time:
Category A: MUST DO proposals
Number |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Instrument |
Awarded Time [h] |
05_0033 |
Rolf Guesten |
Joint Impact Proposal: Mapping C+ Across the Galaxy's Central Molecular Zone |
3 |
05_0212 |
Friedrich Wyrowski |
Ammonia as a probe of infall in high-mass star forming clumps; Part III |
5 |
05_0197 |
Silvia Leurini |
Far-IR cooling in massive YSOs |
6 |
05_0196 |
Silvia Leurini |
The warm atomic and molecular gas in protostellar jets |
3 |
05_0202 |
Bringfried Stecklum |
Tautenburg |
Tracing the heat wave of an accretion outburst from a high-mass young stellar object |
2 (1+1) |
05_0206 |
Thushara Pillai |
Magnetic Fields in Massive Filaments |
6 |
Category B+: SHOULD DO proposals
Number |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Instrument |
Awarded Time [h] |
05_0198 |
Christof Buchbender |
Uni Köln |
Velocity resolved [CII] and [NII] observations in M33 |
2 |
05_0209 |
Thomas Giesen |
Uni Kassel |
First Time Detection of C13CC and Study of 13CCC in Dense Star Forming Regions |
3 |
05_0189 |
Robert Brauer |
Uni Kiel |
Bok globules in the far infrared: Constraining the origin of polarization holes |
3 |
05_0205 |
Karl Menten |
Systematic Studies of the Diffuse ISM with SOFIA Observations of CH at 2 THz |
3 |
05_0208 |
Nicola Schneider |
Uni Köln |
The CII line in Draco as a tracer for CO-dark gas |
2 |
05_0210 |
Rodrigo Herrera-Camus |
The GREAT [CII] Account of the Low-Metallicity ISM in the SMC |
5 |
Category B-: SHOULD DO proposals
Number |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Instrument |
Awarded Time [h] |
05_0201 |
Sarah Sadavoy |
Testing the Response of Dust Grains to Magnetic Fields in Perseus B1 |
4 |
05_0192 |
Rodrigo Herrera-Camus |
Joint Impact Program: Far-Infrared in the EDGE/CALIFA Sample of Galaxies |
7 (2+5) |
05_0200 |
Jochen Eisloeffel |
Tautenburg |
Probing the hidden atomic gas in Class I jets |
8 |
05_0190 |
Robert Simon |
Uni Köln |
Spatial and velocity variations of [CII] optical depth towards S106 IR |
4 |
05_0207 |
Miwa Goto |
The Deuteration Ladder of H3+ |
4 |
05_0060 |
Paola Caselli |
OD and the origin of water in protostellar cores |
3 |
Category C: DO IF TIME proposals
Number |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Instrument |
Awarded Time [h] |
05_0199 |
Felipe Alves |
Magnetically-regulated fragmentation in B59 |
2 |
05_0139 |
Paola Caselli |
Joint Impact Program: The Timescale of Star Formation from para-H2D+ - II. Colder and Lower Luminosity Sources |
1 |
05_0193 |
Cristian Guevara |
Uni Köln |
M17SW [OI] 63 um self-absorption and optical depth effects |
4 |
Thank you very much for your continued interest in SOFIA observations.
Dr. Hans Zinnecker
SOFIA SMO deputy director & German SOFIA proposals selection official
The SOFIA German Cycle 4 call for proposals (deadline July 10, 2015) generated 30 proposals. The SOFIA Time Allocation Committee (TAC) met at DSI/Univ. Stuttgart on September 1 and 2 to evaluate and rank the proposals by scientific merit.
The committee had the following members:
Function | Name | Institution |
Chair | Quirrenbach, Andreas | LSW Heidelberg |
Reviewer | Boehnhardt, Hermann | MPS, Goettingen |
Reviewer | Cesaroni, Riccardo | Arcetri, Florence |
Reviewer | Glover, Simon | ITA, Heidelberg |
Reviewer | Kramer, Carsten | IRAM 30m, Granada |
Reviewer | Lis, Darek | LERMA, Obs. de Paris |
Reviewer | Schneider, Nicola | Obs. Bordeaux |
Reviewer | van der Tak, Floris | SRON, Groningen |
Reviewer | Testi, Leonardo | ESO/ALMA |
The proposals were ranked in 5 categories:
- 5. Must do
- 4. Should do
- 3. Do if time
- 2. Filler
- 1. Don't do
Below we present tables for categories 5 (Must do), 4 (Should do) and 3 (Do if time). The entries per table are sorted alphabetically by PI name and do not represent a ranking within the category.
Category 5: Must do proposals
PI | Institution | Proposal Title | Instrument | Time Awarded [hrs] |
Jochen Eisloeffel | Tautenburg | Studying the disk of the outbursting new FU Orionis object 2MASSJ0659 | FIFI-LS / FORCAST | 1.5 |
Silvia Leurini | MPIfR | Far-IR cooling in massive YSOs | GREAT | 6.0 |
Juergen Stutzki | Uni Köln | Joint Impact Proposal: A complete velocity resolved 3-D [CII] map of the M51 grand-design spiral galaxy: Unraveling the impact of spiral density waves on the evolution of the ISM and star formation. (*) | FIFI-LS / GREAT | 10.0 |
Helmut Wiesemeyer | MPIfR | Radiative torques and atomic alignment of FIR fine structure lines - a tool to trace magnetic field structure with the [OI] ground state transition? | GREAT | 2.5 |
Juergen Wolf | DSI | Stellar Occultations by Trans-Neptunian Objects and Centaurs | FPI+ | 2.5 |
Friedrich Wyrowski | MPIfR | Ammonia as a probe of infall in high-mass star forming clumps, Part III | GREAT | 3.5 |
(*) This joint impact proposal was strongly endorsed by the U.S. selection process.
Category 4: Should do proposals
PI | Institution | Proposal Title | Instrument | Time Awarded [hrs] |
Frank Bigiel | Uni Heidelberg | Calibrating CII as a SFR Tracer Across the Entire Disk of the Star-forming Galaxy NGC 6946 | FIFI-LS | 5.3 |
Jochen Eisloeffel | Tautenburg | Catching the next bright outbursting FU Orionis object on the rise | FIFI-LS / FORCAST | 2.0 |
Miwa Goto | MPE | The Deuteration Ladder of H3+ | EXES | 2.1 |
Cristian Guevara | Uni Köln | [C II] 158 um optical depth and self-absorption | GREAT | 8.0 |
Klaus Huber | Uni Hamburg | Joint Impact Proposal: Exoplanets with SOFIA - long-term monitoring of stellar activity effects on multi-transit observations of the benchmark system HD 189733 b (**) | FLITECAM / HIPO | 0.0 |
Alberto Sanna | MPIfR | Investigating the atomic jet component in a O-type YSO | FIFI-LS | 1.0 |
Peter Scicluna | Uni Kiel | Origin of the IR excess of massive stars | HAWC+ | 10.0 |
(**) As this joint impact proposal was declined in the U.S. selection process, by the rules it is automatically declined in the German selection process.
Category 3: Do if time proposals
PI | Institution | Proposal Title | Instrument | Time Awarded [hrs] |
Henrik Beuther | MPIA | Outflow energetics and accretion rates in high-mass star formation | FIFI-LS | 2.0 |
Thomas Giesen | Uni Kassel | Detection of 13CCC and C13CC in dense star forming regions | GREAT | 6.0 |
Maria Kapala | MPIA | Spectrally Resolved [CII] Emission in M31: The Origin of [CII] from Metal-Rich Star-Forming Galaxies | GREAT | 4.0 |
Thomas Preibisch | Uni München | Molecular excitation of a strongly irradiated pillar in the Carina Nebula | GREAT | 2.0 |
Miriam Rengel | MPS | Investigating the composition of Titan's stratosphere with SOFIA: time variability & intriguing unidentified signatures | FIFI-LS | 4.0 |
Denise Riquelme | MPIfR | High velocity gas at the edge of the Central Molecular Zone of the Galactic Center | GREAT | 2.0 |
Thushara Pillai | MPIfR | Magnetic Fields in Massive Filaments | HAWC+ | 6.0 |
Thank you very much for your continued interest in SOFIA observations.
Dr. Hans Zinnecker
SOFIA SMO deputy director & German SOFIA proposals selection official
The SOFIA German Cycle 3 call for proposals (deadline July 18, 2014) generated 32 proposals. The SOFIA Time Allocation Committee (TAC) met at DSI/Univ. Stuttgart on September 17 and 18 to evaluate and rank the proposals by scientific merit.
The committee had the following members:
- Prof. Dr. Dietrich Lemke, Chair (Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg)
- Dr. Frank Bigiel (Institut für Theor. Astrophysik, Univ. Heidelberg)
- Dr. Eike Guenther (Thüringer Landessternwarte, Tautenburg)
- Dr. Mark Morris (Univ. of California Los Angeles, California)
- Dr. Markus Nielbock (Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg)
- Dr. Michael Olberg (Onsala Observatory, Sweden)
- Dr. Nicola Schneider (Observatoire de Bordeaux, France)
- Dr. Bringfried Stecklum (Thüringer Landessternwarte, Tautenburg)
- Dr. Malcolm Walmsley (Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Florence, Italy)
The proposals were ranked in 5 categories:
- A+ (excellent)
- A- (very good)
- B+ (good)
- B- (fair)
- C (poor)
Below we present tables for categories A+ (MUST DO), A- (DO with high priority), B+ (DO with lower priority). All of these proposals in the first 3 categories were awarded time, as listed. Proposals in category B- (DO if time) were not awarded time at this point. The targets in these proposals may be used as fillers, in case gaps occur in the flight plans. Proposals in category C were rejected.
The total available time for the German community in Cycle 3 is about 45 hours. It must be noted that many approved GREAT proposals request time which would require or benefit from a SOFIA deployment to the Southern Hemisphere. The time awarded here is therefore contingent on the GREAT instrument to be deployed to New Zealand, which is likely but still awaits final approval by NASA.
Table 1 (A+ proposals)
PI | Institution | Proposal Title | Instrument | Time awarded (hours) |
Güsten | MPIfR Bonn | Probing young protoplanetary disks with the [OI] 63 μm fine-structure line | GREAT | 2.8 |
Menten | MPIfR Bonn | Solving the Mystery of Class II CH3OH maser excitation | EXES | 2.0 |
Hübers | DLR Berlin | Observation of the Atomic Oxygen Fine Structure Line at 4.7 THz in the Mesosphere and Thermosphere of Earth | GREAT | Housekeeping data only |
Table 2 (A- proposals)
PI | Institution | Proposal Title | Instrument | Time awarded (hours) |
Suri | Univ. Cologne | [CII] and [OI] observations towards selected filaments in the Orion A Molecular Cloud | GREAT | 1.7 |
Wyrowski | MPIfR Bonn | Probing high-J CO through the evolution of high-mass star forming clumps, Part II | GREAT | 1.2 |
Hughes | MPIA Heidelberg | New insights for PDR modelling in low metallicity environments: the case of N44 | GREAT | 1.0 |
Schlemmer | Univ. Cologne | Observing ortho-D2H+ absorption towards IRAS 16293-2422 A/B | GREAT | 3.5 |
Eislöffel | Tautenburg | Probing the hidden atomic gas in Class I jets | FIFI-LS | 6.0 |
Kapala | MPIA Heidelberg | Investigation of the [CII] origins in the non-star-forming bulge of the M31 | FIFI-LS | 4.5 |
Goto | USW Munich | The Deuteration Ladder of H3+ | EXES | 1.4 |
Linz | MPIA Heidelberg | Catching H2 - a unique opportunity for EXES | EXES | 1.5 |
Huber | Univ. Hamburg | Do starspots inflate the exoplanet CoRoT-2b? | FLIPO | 3.3 |
Cormier | Univ. Heidelberg | Disentangling the ISM phases of the nearby low-metallicity dwarf galaxy NGC4214 using velocity-resolved [CII] | GREAT | 2.0 (*) |
(*) pending scheduled GREAT observations during Cycle 2 in January 2015
Table 3 (B+ proposals)
PI | Institution | Proposal Title | Instrument | Time awarded (hours) |
Ragan | MPIA Heidelberg | Does oxygen outshine carbon in the CMZ? | GREAT | 1.2 |
Comito | Univ. Cologne | Atomic oxygen across the Galaxy | GREAT | 2.0 |
Hartogh | MPS Goettingen | Constraints for the hydrogen peroxide and water cycle on Mars | GREAT | 3.7 |
Wiesemeyer | MPIfR Bonn | Physico-Chemical Conditions in the Butterfly Nebula NGC6302 | GREAT | 2.5 |
Wyrowski | MPIfR Bonn |
Ammonia as a probe of infall in high-mass star forming clumps, Part III |
GREAT | 1.8 |
Buchbender | Univ. Cologne | Velocity resolved [CII] and [NII] observations in M33 | GREAT | 1.7 |
Perez-Beaupuits | MPIfR Bonn | Unveiling the dark molecular gas and ionized gas in M17SW with [O I] and [N II] maps | GREAT | 2.0 |
Cormier | Univ. Heidelberg | Deciphering Star Formation in Disk Galaxies: Relating ISM conditions to the Molecular Gas Fraction in NGC5055 | FIFI-LS | 2.0 |
Thank you very much for your continued interest in SOFIA observations.
Dr. Hans Zinnecker
SOFIA SMO deputy director & German SOFIA proposals selection official
The SOFIA German Cycle 2 call for proposals (deadline June 29, 2013) generated 22 proposals. The SOFIA Time Allocation Committee (TAC) met at DSI/Univ. Stuttgart on September 17 and 18 to evaluate and rank the proposals by scientific merit.
The committee had the following members:
- Prof. Dr. Dietrich Lemke, Chair (Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg)
- Priv. Doz. Dr. Dominik J. Bomans (Ruhr-University Bochum)
- Prof. Dr. Artie P. Hatzes (Thüringer Landessternwarte, Tautenburg)
- Prof. Dr. Francesco Palla (Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Florence, Italy)
- Dr. Ralf Siebenmorgen (ESO, Garching)
- Prof. Dr. Marco Spaans (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands)
- Prof. Dr. Harold W. Yorke (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California)
The proposals have been ranked into 5 categories:
- category A (MUST DO)
- category B (SHOULD DO)
- category C (DO IF TIME)
- category D (FILLER)
- category E (DON'T DO)
Below, we present 3 tables for category A,B and C. The total open time available for the German community is about 42 hours, including a few hours for FIFI-LS science verification.
Table 1 (category A proposals)
PI | Institution | Title | Instrument | Hours |
Schlemmer | Univ. zu Köln | Observing para-H2D+ absorption towards Serpens SMM1 | GREAT | 3.5 |
Menten | MPIfR, Bonn | Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of OH in Three Prototypical Circumstellar Envelopes | GREAT | 4 |
Ossenkopf | Univ. zu Köln | CII mapping of hot gas in S140 | GREAT | 1 |
Ragan | MPIA, Heidelberg | Probing for large scale infall along an IRDC filament | GREAT | 2 |
Caratti o Garatti | MPIfR, Bonn | Investigating atomic jets in high-mass YSOs | FIFI-LS | 1 |
Ragan | MPIA, Heidelberg | FIFI-LS Observations of Coolants in IRDCs | FIFI-LS | 2 |
Table 2 (category B proposals)
PI | Institution | Title | Instrument | Hours |
Sandstrom | MPIA, Heidelberg | Spectrally Resolved [CII] Emission in M31: The Origin of [CII] from Metal-Rich Star-Forming Galaxies | GREAT | 3.3 |
Eisloeffel | TLS, Tautenburg | The origin of the warm gas in the low-mass L1448 outflow | GREAT | 4 |
Wyrowski | MPIfR, Bonn | Probing high-J CO through the evolution of high-mass star forming clumps | GREAT | 4 |
Huber | Univ. Hamburg, Sternwarte | Do starspots inflate the exoplanet CoRoT-2b? | FLIPO | 3.3 |
Cormier | Univ. Heidelberg | Disentangling the ISM phases of the nearby low-metallicity dwarf galaxy NGC4214 using velocity-resolved [CII] | GREAT | 4 |
Wiesemeyer | MPIfR, Bonn | Exploratory search for a new, strong HCN laser in two carbon stars | GREAT | 3 |
Table 3 (category C proposals)
PI | Institution | Title | Instrument | Hours |
Graf | Univ. zu Köln | Spatial variation of the strong [CII] self-absorption towards NGC 2024 | GREAT | 1.5 |
Schindler | DSI, Univ. Stuttgart | Spectroscopy of JVI Himalia for detection and characterization of the 3 um water band | FLITECAM | 2.2 |
Dreyer | DLR, Berlin | Transit spectrophotometry of the Super-Earth exoplanet GJ 1214b with FLIPO | FLIPO | 2 |
Roellig | Univ. zu Köln | Mapping hot CO in DR21-C | GREAT | 1 |
Ossenkopf | Univ. zu Köln | Spectrally resolved OH line emission in Orion | GREAT | 2 |
Caratti o Garatti | MPIfR, Bonn | Probing H2 jets from high-mass YSOs | FORCAST | 0.6 |
Thank you very much for your interest in SOFIA observations.
Dr. Hans Zinnecker
SOFIA SMO deputy director & German SOFIA proposals selection official
The SOFIA German Cycle 1 call for proposals (deadline March 2, 2012) generated 39 proposals, asking for a total of 200+ hours observing time. The SOFIA Time Allocation Committee (TAC) met at DSI/Univ. Stuttgart on April 16 and 17 to evaluate and rank the proposals by scientific merit.
The committee had the following members:
- Prof. Dr. Michael Grewing, Chair (Univ. Tübingen, Germany)
- Dr. Pierre Cox (IRAM Grenoble, France)
- Dr. Andy Harris (Univ. Maryland, USA)
- Dr. Frank Israel (Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands)
- Dr. Hans-Ulrich Käufl (ESO, Garching)
- Dr. Jesús Martin-Pintado (Centro de Astrobiologia, Madrid, Spain)
- Dr. Katharina Schreyer (Univ. Jena, Germany)
- Dr. Bingfried Stecklum (Landessternwarte Thüringen, Tautenburg, Germany)
The committee was asked to rank the proposal into 3 main categories:
- category A (MUST DO)
- category B (CAN DO, if time)
- category C (DON'T DO in this cycle)
Interestingly, the panel decided to introduce a 4th category, intermediate between A and B, labelled A/B (SHOULD DO, if at all possible).
Below, we present 3 tables, one for category A, one for category A/B, and one for category B. The order of appearance of the selected proposals in each table is alphabetical and does not represent a ranked sequence. The total open time available for the German community is about 35 hours.
Table 1 (category A proposals)
PI | Institution | Title | Instrument | Hours |
Caratti o Garatti | MPIfR, Bonn | Probing embedded molecular jets from massive young stellar objects | FORCAST | 3.5 |
Csengeri | MPIfR, Bonn | Cooling processes in the starburst template W51 MAIN | GREAT | 4.5 |
Glueck | Univ. Cologne | [CII] emission from ISM clouds in formation | GREAT | 2 |
Guesten | MPIfR, Bonn | High-J CO observations of the IC443 SNR with GREAT | GREAT | 4 |
Huber | Hamburg Observatory | Do star spots inflate the expolanet CoRot-2b? | FLITECAM | 3.5 |
Parise | MPIfR, Bonn | The OD/OH ratio; clues for water formation | GREAT | 3 |
Requena-Torres | MPIfR, Bonn | Excitation gradients across CND; constraining the heating processes | GREAT | 6 |
Schilke | Univ. Cologne | Sulphur chemistry as a probe of the physical state of the ISM | GREAT | 2.5 |
Wiesemeyer | MPIfR, Bonn | Interstellar chemistry of the OH radical (survey) | GREAT | 4 |
Wyrowski | MPIfR, Bonn | Ammonia as a probe of infall in high-mass star forming clumps, part II | GREAT | 6 |
Table 2 (category A/B proposals)
PI | Institution | Title | Instrument | Hours |
Bik | MPIA, Heidelberg | Disentangling the complex ISM structure of the Galactic starburst W49 | FORCAST | 5 |
Csengeri | MPIfR, Bonn | The DR21(OH) clump: formed by a collision of flows? | GREAT | 2 |
Giesen | Univ. Cologne | Detection of 13CCC in dense star forming regions | GREAT | 4 |
Linz | MPIA, Heidelberg | FORCAST observations of massive protostars | FORCAST | 1.5 |
Menten | MPIfR, Bonn | OH isotopologue absorption toward high mass star forming regions | GREAT | 10 |
Okada | Univ. Cologne | [CII] mapping of LMC cloud cores | GREAT | 5 |
Perez-Beaupuits | MPIfR, Bonn | Constraining the physical state of the dense and warm gas in M17SW | GREAT | 3.5 |
Roellig | Univ. Cologne | Mapping the nucleus of IC342 | GREAT | 3.5 |
Schlemmer | Univ. Cologne | Observing para-H2D+ absorption towards IRAS 16293 | GREAT | 3 |
Table 3 (category B proposals)
PI |
Institution |
Title |
Instrument |
Hours |
Angerhausen |
Hamburg Observatory |
Transit and eclipse spectrophotometry of GJ 1214b and HD 189733b |
2.5 |
Beuther |
MPIA, Heidelberg |
The carbon budget and formation signature of molecular clouds |
2 |
Burgdorf |
DSI, NASA-Ames |
5-37 micron exploratory spectrum of Venus |
1 |
Eisloeffel |
Tautenburg Observatory |
The origin of the warm gas in the low-mass L1448 outflow |
6 |
Jakob |
DSI, Palmdale |
Observing the massive star formation region and mol. cloud Onsala-1 |
1 |
Menten |
MPIfR, Bonn |
OH observations in the protostellar outflow CepA HW2 |
2 |
Preibisch |
Munich Observatory |
Excitation of a strongly irradiated pillar in the Carina Nebula |
3 |
Ratzka |
Munich Observatory |
An unblinded inventory of the PDR near Trumpler 14 |
3 |
Sandstrom |
MPIA, Heidelberg |
Revealing "CO-dark" molecular gas in Andromeda |
3 |
Simon |
Univ. Cologne |
SOFIA observations of warm and dense gas in G333.6 |
2.5 |
Walcher |
AIP Potsdam |
Liners in early-type galaxies: ISM ionisation |
2.5 |
While we will make every effort to schedule all category A proposals, in the end it all depends if they can be fitted into an optimised flight schedule. Therefore it is conceivable that a category A/B or even B proposal will make its way into the schedule, while a more meritorious A proposal may have to be left out. Note that we plan to have a SOFIA deployment to the southern hemisphere in July 2013 (most likely Christchurch, New Zealand).
Thank you very much for your interest in SOFIA observations.
Dr. Hans Zinnecker
SOFIA SMO deputy director & German SOFIA proposals selection official
The DSI is pleased to announce the results of the review of the proposals submitted in response to the German Call for Proposals for SOFIA Science Demonstration Time.
Members of the Review Panel
- Prof. Dr. Michael Grewing, Chair (Tübingen)
- Prof. Dr. Ed Churchwell (Madison, WI)
- Prof. Dr. Alain Omont (IAP, Paris)
- Dr. Ulli Käufl (ESO, Garching)
- Dr. Thomas Stanke (ESO, Garching)
- Prof. Dr. Malcolm Walmsley (Arcetri Obs., Florence)
Highest Ranked Proposals
Of the 22 proposals submitted, 18 requested observing time with GREAT and 4 requested observing time with FORCAST.
The following table lists the 8 successful proposals with the highest ranking. Every effort will be made to schedule these proposals for execution. The last column of the table provides an estimate of the effective observing time (including a realistic overhead of 100% for GREAT and 50% for FORCAST) granted to the proposals. The observing times listed are preliminary and subject to some change. The effective overhead will be finalized during the scheduling process
PI |
Institution |
Title |
Instrument |
Minutes |
Eislöffel |
Thüringer Landessternwarte |
The physics and kinematics of the warm CO gas in a protostellar outflow |
180 |
Engels |
Hamburger Sternwarte |
Search for the 1.296 THz water maser line in late-type stars |
180 |
Krause |
MPIA, Heidelberg |
Tomographic imaging of infrared echoes around Cas A – SOFIA’s unique view of the three-dimensional ISM structure |
45 |
Müller |
MPE, Garching |
Beyond the snow-line: Thermophysical characterisation of two Hilda-asteroids |
150 |
Parise |
MPIfR, Bonn |
Searching for p-H2D+ |
90 |
Parise |
MPIfR, Bonn |
Searching for OD: clues for water formation and the link with comets |
150 |
Requena Torres |
MPIfR, Bonn |
CO line SED in galactic nuclei: the center of our Galaxy |
180 |
Wyrowski |
MPIfR, Bonn |
Ammonia as a probe of infall in high-mass star forming clumps |
180 |
Second highest ranked proposals
The following table lists proposals in the group of the second highest ranking. Given the complexity of efficient flight planning and the limited observing time it is expected that only several but not all of these proposals will be scheduled. The observing times listed are preliminary and subject to some change. The effective overhead will be finalized during the scheduling process.
The abstracts of actually scheduled proposals will be provided in due time.
PI | Institution | Title | Instrument | Minutes |
Beuther | MPIA, Heidelberg | The Carbon Budget and Formation Signatures of Molecular Clouds | GREAT | 90 |
Burgdorf | DSI, Stuttgart | A Search for Hydrogen Halides in Giant Planets | GREAT | 30 |
Chapillon | MPIfR, Bonn | First detection of CII in a protoplanetary disk | GREAT | 90 |
Comito | MPIfR, Bonn | Tracking down deuterium fractionation in the envelope of Sgr B2 | GREAT | 90 |
Gusdorf | MPIfR, Bonn | OH GREAT ! Observing OH in bipolar outflows associated to intermediate- and high-mass forming stars with GREAT | GREAT | 300 |
Jakob | DSI, Stuttgart | Observing the massive star forming region and molecular cloud Onsala-1 with GREAT | GREAT | 60 |
Menten | MPIfR, Bonn | OH in High-Mass Star Forming Regions Revisited | GREAT | 150 |
Ossenkopf | Uni Köln | Triggering of star-formation in Cep B traced by [CII] | GREAT | 150 |
Phase 2 Procedure
Both groups of proposals above are eligible to enter Phase 2 of the proposal procedure. For Phase 2, the PIs of these proposals will be contacted by the SMO staff. Deadline for Phase 2 for FORCAST proposals is April 29, for GREAT proposals May 13.
Note that all selected proposals during Science Demonstration Time are subject to shared risk.
Thank you very much for your interest in SOFIA observations.
Dr. Hans Zinnecker
SOFIA SMO Deputy Director & Selection Official
Elizabeth Gutiérrez
Research Associate